Lesson Tuition & Attendance
Lesson tuition is to be paid at the beginning of each month. Tuition is $180.00 per month for ½ hr. lessons once per week and
$360.00 per month for 1 hour lessons once per week. The tuition is the same regardless of the number of weeks in the month or which month of the year it is. Most months have 4 weeks, some have 5 weeks and in November and December sometime have 3 weeks depending upon which day of the week you lesson falls on. It averages out throughout the year.
I do not pro-rate or bank lessons which you have missed. If you’re unable to make your lesson for whatever reason I cannot guarantee ‘make-up’ lessons. When you book your time initially that time is reserved for you. If you ask for a ‘make-up’ lesson I then need to find time in my schedule which I may or may not have then effectively using two time slots to accommodate an absence. If you pre-arrange a time in advance which you know you are not able to come on a given day and we can find a mutually convenient time within a 7 day period to reschedule then I am happy to accommodate.
Anyone who has taken lessons from me knows that I try my best to reschedule missed lessons but only if my schedule allows for it. I almost always am able to accommodate.
If you miss a lesson without pre-arranging the absence or don't bother to call and you then wish to have a lesson I do charge the normal lesson rate for such a make-up
If I am absent I owe you the lesson, if you are absent you owe the tuition
PLEASE do not come to your lesson if you are sick. You owe it to yourself to get well and not make yourself, myself or any other students sick.
Summertime vacations: During the months of June, July and August I will hold your slot if you are gone for up to two weeks if the balance of the weeks of the month are paid for in advance. If you plan to be gone for more than two weeks I cannot hold your time slot unless you prepay for weeks missed past the initial two.